January 29, 2011

NYC’s Snowiest January Ever!

It’s official, with the addition of the 19 inches that fell on Wednesday we have now broken the one month total for January. The previous record was from 1925, and it was 27.4 inches. As of today, we have had 36 inches in January 2011. And there’s a chance of light snow tonight and tomorrow night! If we get one more inch, it will be our snowiest month ever.

That’s especially significant because our snowiest month is usually February!

Looking outside at the huge piles of snow everywhere I find myself having flashbacks to the winter of 95/96, which was our snowiest winter ever. I remember it well. As a result, every winter since then hasn’t seemed that bad – until this one. That one started earlier, in November, but this one had the sixth largest total ever in late December. And since then we seem to be having weekly storms. This one was our seventh.

On the plus side, instead of worrying about driving to New Jersey in bad weather as I did in 95/96, I have enough flexibility in my schedule to actually take off snow days and head out with my camera. Thursday was truly stunning. The neighborhood was exquisite.

Central Park was a mob scene. (We have a 50 inch base – cross country skiing anyone?) My favorite comment was from a woman who said to her companion “Well at least we have our camera phone!”
